When the weather starts to cool off, you may be concerned about how you’ll take full advantage of your heating and cooling. After all, HVAC costs frequently contribute a big piece of your monthly electric bill. To figure out new ways to save, some people take a closer look at their thermostat. Maybe there’s a setting they should use to boost efficiency?

The bulk of thermostats include both a ‘Fan’ or ‘Fan On’ setting. But if the fan is running during a regular cycle, what can the fan setting offer for your HVAC system? This guide will help. We’ll walk through what exactly the fan setting is and when you can use it to save money in the summer or winter.

How Do I Access the Fan Setting on My Thermostat?

For the bulk of thermostats, the fan setting means that the system’s blower fan keeps running. A few furnaces may continue to generate heat at a low level in this setting, but in general heating or cooling isn’t being generated. The ‘Auto’ setting, conversely, will run the fan during a heating or cooling cycle and shut it off once the cycle is finished.

There are benefits and drawbacks to using the fan setting on your thermostat, and whether you do or don’t {will|can|should]] depend on your personal comfort requirements.

Advantages to utilizing the Fan/On setting:

  • You can keep the temperature in every room more consistent by allowing the fan to keep running.
  • Indoor air quality can increase since continuous airflow will keep passing airborne contaminants into the air filter.
  • Fewer start-stop cycles for the blower fan helps lengthen its life span. Since the air handler is typically a component of the furnace, this means you can avoid needing furnace repair.

Drawbacks to using the Fan/On setting:

  • A constant fan could add to your energy expenses by a small margin.
  • Constant airflow can clog your air filter in a shorter amount of time, increasing the frequency you’ll need to replace it.

{Choosing Between|Should My Thermostat Be on|Which Setting for My Thermostat? Fan or Auto in Summer/Winter

In the summer, warm air may linger in unfinished spaces like the attic or an attached garage. If you leave the fan on, your HVAC system may gradually move this warm air into the rest of your home, compelling the HVAC system to work harder to maintain the preferred temperature. In severe heat, this may result in needing AC repair more regularly as wear and tear gets worse.

The opposite can happen over the winter. Cooler spaces such as a basement will hold onto cooler air, which will eventually flow into the rest of your home. Leaving the fan setting on may draw more cold air upward, increasing the amount of heating you need to remain warm.

If you’re still trying to determine if you should try the fan/on setting, remember that every home and family’s comfort needs will vary. Leaving the HVAC system’s fan on could be ideal for you if:

Someone in your household has allergies. Allergies and similar respiratory conditions can be tough on the family. Leaving the fan on should help to enhance indoor air quality, helping your family breathe easier.

Your home experiences hot and cold spots. Lots of homes wrestle with difficult hot and cold spots that quickly shift to a temperature different from the rest of the house. The fan setting might help minimize these changes by steadily refreshing each room’s supply of air.